Welcome to SDP Winter Workshop 2025! In this virtual workshop, you will learn alongside your cohort, plus the other active cohort in the SDP Fellowship.

For first-year fellows in Cohort 16, the theme of this workshop is "Launching Your Analytic Project", and they will learn about analysis planning, project management, and more. For second-year fellows in Cohort 15, the theme of this workshop is "Embedding and Sustaining Change", and while taking time to maximize and share the impact of their capstone work, they will shift their perspective to consider organizational factors in improvement and transformation.

We are also excited for the two cohorts to meet and learn about each other, and learn together, in specific networking sessions, as well as learning experiences that are open to participants across both cohorts.

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Monday, February 3

12:00pm EST

Workshop Welcome and Cohort Social
Monday February 3, 2025 12:00pm - 1:00pm EST
SESSION RECORDING: https://harvard.zoom.us/rec/share/n3vtlQtEH-Bp6Q-CpZ3Wy9jHRLyq9j4_PZ3zRHt2-WCyFT7W21uJinFZ50vd9y4i.c6hHXJJ2URawbk9c

SESSION DESCRIPTION: Join us as we come together to kick off day one of SDP Winter Workshop 2025! We request that you have your video on, energy up, and that you are ready to engage and learn with one another over the course of the next four days.

We’ll start the workshop with a session of fun getting-to-know-you rounds of speed-“dat(a)-ing” where we have a chance to reconnect with your cohort and meet some of your counterparts in the other cohort.

avatar for Rebecca Marshall

Rebecca Marshall

Associate Director of Programs, SDP, Center for Education Policy Research at Harvard
Rebecca is the Associate Director of Programs for Strategic Data Project at the Center for Education Policy Research (CEPR) at Harvard University. In this role, she manages the Strategic Data Project Fellowship, which works with education agencies to find and train data leaders to... Read More →
Monday February 3, 2025 12:00pm - 1:00pm EST

1:15pm EST

Project Management: Spinning Plates
Monday February 3, 2025 1:15pm - 3:00pm EST

PREWORK: **No Submission Required, though one is optional**:
Skim the PMI Dictionary for an overview of some of the terms most commonly used in project management.**Optional: Complete the personal reflections using the guiding questions in the document attached below. The reflection will allow for you to reflect on your own experiences and will serve as the foundation of breakout group discussions.

You are not required to submit your reflection, but if you choose to, please upload here. 

SESSION DESCRIPTION: Project Management is often seen as a set of checklists used to monitor task completion. However, at its best, Project Management is a way to systematically think through work progression with a framework for making difficult decisions about priorities. Join this interactive session to learn both the industry best practices and realistic adaptations for your work. All levels of management and experience are welcome and will walk away with gems!


  • Slides posted below
avatar for LaCole Foots

LaCole Foots

Principal Consultant, Jodon Maclem
LaCole Foots is a systems thinker and strategic storyteller. Through her work, she helps organizations clarify their vision, align their goals, and navigate complexity with intentionality.As the founder and President of Jodon Maclem, a socially conscious strategy and evaluation firm, LaCole partners with clients to connect the dots between vision, strategy, and execution. She helps organizations ensure their strategies are actionable, their evaluations meaningful, and their project management practices aligned to drive... Read More →
Monday February 3, 2025 1:15pm - 3:00pm EST

1:15pm EST

C15 Education Data Ethics (Day 1 Session)
Monday February 3, 2025 1:15pm - 3:45pm EST

Zoom: https://harvard.zoom.us/j/93750433469?pwd=5tHeVIJvOat0amJb4Xybib2AeDOORL.1
Passcode: 162790

SESSION DESCRIPTION: The rapid pace of data innovation has not been matched by a parallel growth in the analysis of the ethical implications of our work. Data analytics has been long conceived to be value-neutral, a technocrat's endeavor. However, working with education data is ultimately a human endeavor, beset with choices that will have real implications for students, educators, and families.

The most important and challenging choices SDP fellows will face are not necessarily about coding or models, nor will they be straight-forward options between good and bad. Split over two sessions, the first half will focus on four traditional frames of ethical deliberation and apply them to common data ethics scenarios. On Day 1, SDP Fellows will attend one of the following breakout sessions and discuss implications of data ethics as it applies to specialized topics:
  • Ethics of Workplace Gaming (Michael LaMont)
  • Ethics of Experimentation (Cara Jackson) 
  • Ethics of Privacy & AI (Marika Pfefferkorn)


STEP 1: Please rank your top two choices of the above Ethics Breakout Sessions by January 24th.  You will be assigned to your session by Friday, January 31st. You will need to complete the pre-reading based on the session you are assigned (if applicable) before the breakouts on February 10th.

Survey: https://forms.office.com/r/dHGhsZmUur

STEP 2: Complete by January 31st . Please accept 3 $10 Donors Choose gifts that you can distribute to any project(s) you want. Donors Choose is a nonprofit organization that allows you to donate directly to public school classroom projects. Your first step is to search Donors Choose for the projects you wish to invest in. Then, find your name in this spreadsheet and use the three assigned gift codes next to your name to make three ten-dollar donations. You can allocate all of them in any configuration (all to one project, for example), but they must be in 10$ increments. Add the name of the project you supported with each code and the link to the cause. Enjoy!

STEP 3: Complete after Day 1 Session on February 4. Complete this self-assessment and submit the copy of your responses to this folder prior to the Day 2 session on February 10.

Other Session Materials:
- Data Ethics Scenarios
- Data Ethics Workbook
avatar for Miriam Greenberg

Miriam Greenberg

SDP Director, Strategic Data Project
Miriam is the Director of the Strategic Data Project overseeing the Center for Education Policy Research at Harvard University's efforts to build and sustain data-driven leadership and research capacity in education systems and organizations. She provides direction and support for... Read More →
Monday February 3, 2025 1:15pm - 3:45pm EST

3:15pm EST

Fundamentals of Regression
Monday February 3, 2025 3:15pm - 5:00pm EST

PREWORK: ** No Submission Required **
All Fellows should read the attached excerpt from Chapter 2- Regression from Mastering ’Metrics: The Path from Cause to Effect by Joshua Angrist and Jörn-Steffen Pischke. Additionally, for those less familiar with regression analysis, I strongly recommend reading Chapter 4- Describing Relationships from The Effect by Nick Huntington-Klein

This session will provide an overview of regression analyses, including understanding what is happening under the hood of a regression model, determining how to specify your model, correctly interpreting results from your regression, and extensions of regression analysis. Come prepared with your capstone question—or other ongoing research question—as this will be an interactive session with time dedicated for planning your upcoming analyses. 

See attached readings below.

avatar for Elise Swanson

Elise Swanson

Associate Director of Research, Strategic Data Project
Elise Swanson is the Associate Director of Research at CEPR, where she directs the  mixed methods Leveraging Technology and Engaging Students (LTES) project, which is a collaboration between CEPR, the Los Angeles Community College District, and the University of Southern California... Read More →
Monday February 3, 2025 3:15pm - 5:00pm EST
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