Welcome to SDP Winter Workshop 2025! In this virtual workshop, you will learn alongside your cohort, plus the other active cohort in the SDP Fellowship.

For first-year fellows in Cohort 16, the theme of this workshop is "Launching Your Analytic Project", and they will learn about analysis planning, project management, and more. For second-year fellows in Cohort 15, the theme of this workshop is "Embedding and Sustaining Change", and while taking time to maximize and share the impact of their capstone work, they will shift their perspective to consider organizational factors in improvement and transformation.

We are also excited for the two cohorts to meet and learn about each other, and learn together, in specific networking sessions, as well as learning experiences that are open to participants across both cohorts.
Monday February 10, 2025 1:30pm - 2:30pm EST

** Note this session is for C15 Fellows. Please indicate your preference for your breakout session here. Fellows will be assigned a breakout session **


PREWORK: ** No Submission Required **
Ethics of Experimentation – Cara Jackson, Cohort 5 on when it is okay and not okay to experiment with students.

Agencies and organizations are always often using correlational evidence to make big decisions about student learning (and other things!). As an advocate for more rigorous evidence generation, how can you respond to concerns over experimentation? What other methods should you employ and when?


avatar for Cara Jackson

Cara Jackson

Senior Associate, Abt Associates
Cara is a senior associate in the Social & Economic Policy division at Abt Associates, focusing on program evaluation, research design, and evidence synthesis. She is currently managing a national evaluation of one of the U.S. Department of Education's technical assistance programs... Read More →
Monday February 10, 2025 1:30pm - 2:30pm EST

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