Welcome to SDP Winter Workshop 2025! In this virtual workshop, you will learn alongside your cohort, plus the other active cohort in the SDP Fellowship.

For first-year fellows in Cohort 16, the theme of this workshop is "Launching Your Analytic Project", and they will learn about analysis planning, project management, and more. For second-year fellows in Cohort 15, the theme of this workshop is "Embedding and Sustaining Change", and while taking time to maximize and share the impact of their capstone work, they will shift their perspective to consider organizational factors in improvement and transformation.

We are also excited for the two cohorts to meet and learn about each other, and learn together, in specific networking sessions, as well as learning experiences that are open to participants across both cohorts.
Tuesday February 11, 2025 1:15pm - 3:00pm EST

** Session open to both C15 and C16 fellows **


PREWORK: https://forms.gle/4CmDgUvecHxg4q5d8 (submit by Friday 2/7) 


"Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success."

This quote from Henry Ford summarizes well the challenges and payoff to working on or leading an exceptional team, even though a lot has changed about the way we work since the assembly line days. In this session, you’ll learn about several frameworks for cultivating a high-performing team and practice applying them to your own team management, through both positional and personal power. The session will focus on developing a clear "diagnosis" that will position you to better understand and address challenges your team is currently facing and will help you think through next steps to determine possible "treatments". This session is appropriate for anyone who wants to take a more active role in leading their team, regardless of role: team members, soon-to-be managers, or new and existing team managers.

avatar for Elise Lenthe

Elise Lenthe

Principal Consultant, Lenthe Strategic Data Services
Tuesday February 11, 2025 1:15pm - 3:00pm EST

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